This form is to be filled in by any winery who might be interested in joining our booking service/platform. Please fill in the form with as much information as possible and making it as complete as you can. If you have any questions please email:

General Information
Account to receive /confirm bookings
Winery Type

Your winery is environmentally friendly, applies sustainable practices or has a sustainability rating. If so, please describe.

Do you make donations to reduce carbon emissions?
Winery Description

Include information on the winery that you would like to highlight including its history, architecture, family history, or any worthy information such as a gift or shop selling olive oil, meat or other products apart from wine.

You can also choose to use information from your website
Restaurant / Hotel
Can you estimate about how many tourists visit your winery per year
Do you have a restaurant at the winery
If you do have a restaurant, do you serve
What is number of seating for lunch/dinner
Do you have a hotel or small bed and breakfast
If you have a hotel, what is max number of guests per night
Available experiences
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